Is there a woman out there that hasn't tried a crazy skincare 'hack' that they would NEVER tell their friends about, for fear they would seem insane?!
As a skincare business owner, and more importantly, a women in her 40's, I'm conscious of the affects that menopausal skin changes can have on a women's mental & in turn, physical well-being. I'm also glaringly in tune with a women's desire to reverse all of these changes by any means necessary.
I've personally tried everything, (tell me if any of these sound familiar), from splashing cold water on my face to invigorate and tighten skin, using tools like gua sha stones or jade rollers to get rid of puffiness, switching to a silk pillowcase to reduce friction overnight and banish wrinkles, covering my face in coconut oil to 'cleanse' the skin.. even slapping together an at-home DIY face mask full of avocados, yoghurt and honey to improve hydration (also doesn't taste too bad by the way!).
If you haven't tried or heard of any of these methods, you're one of the lucky ones that hasn't fallen down the self-care rabbit hole that so many of us women have. And if you were daring enough to cover your face in coconut oil and risk blocking the bathroom sink washing it off, then welcome to the club!
From experience, generally, what drives us women to want to try the next skincare 'hack' or 'trick' in an attempt to restore our youthful complexion is, not just our insecurities, but a lack of suitable options available to help us address the most common skin concerns that we experience as our skin matures through peri-menopuase, menopause and beyond..
Over the course of our lives, we spend THOUSANDS on a wide variety of skincare products from scores of different brands from all over the world based on our friends/families recommendations, only to find that the products were ineffective or simply just did not react well with your skin - leading to you having a press FULL of expensive skincare products that you'll NEVER use again. The good news is, it doesn't have to be that way in 2024...
And here's why..
At Nyrah Beauty, we've decided to cut the expensive trial and error process out of skincare by creating a trial pack of all of our plant-based, Irish skincare products that you can try for less than €20. Plus, you get the cost of the trial pack back as store credit to use on whichever products worked best for you.
Everything from your Daily Cleanser & Hyaluronic Acid for hydration to your peptides and Bio-retinol for all the anti-aging benefits are covered in this Trial pack 💙
Join Thousands of Irish Women Switching to Nyrah Beauty
Just to introduce myself, my name is Lorraine Corcoran and I'm a co-founder of Nyrah Beauty Cosmetics. As a research and developer with 26 years of experience, I like to think I've gained a unique insight into exactly how to formulate, blend and create skincare products that help women harness their natural beauty as they age, without having to hide and cover themselves up with makeup. I've always said: “I see myself as an engineer first, a business leader second, and ultimately, a problem-solver with a mission to contribute to women's well-being. ”
As we age, our skin is no longer the blank canvas that it used to be. There's lumps and bumps, fine lines and wrinkles.. and to be honest, I think they're our most beautiful features. Our marks are a sign of skin that has stood the test of time and that's why 'embracing aging gracefully' is at the heart of everything we do at Nyrah.
We've created a line of Irish products here in Co. Mayo that help women to cleanse, nourish, rejuvenate and most importantly, enhance the beautiful features they already possess. Our goal is to encourage women to love themselves from the inside out, instilling confidence and self-love by simplifying self-care and demystifying the truth behind effective pre, mid and post menopausal skincare.
"While I can't fix the world's problems with skincare, I am commited to making a difference by providing you with products that bring joy and positive experiences. "

You can read more about my career before I ventured into the world of being a skincare business owner here. But for now, I'd rather focus on what our 15,000+ community members have to say about Nyrah Beauty.
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All Nyrah Products are tailor-made for environmentally conscious women.
We care about making our products safe and healthy for you—and our planet. That’s why we use no extra packaging, no nasty ingredients. We also never test our products on animals.
Anyone can have allergies. If you have any discomfort or a rash develops, discontinue use and consult your physician.